You Yang Ranges: Branding Yard Trail

You Yang Ranges: Branding Yard Trail

We have been to the You Yangs a few times, but we usually do the Flinders Peak walk. This time, we tried something different: the Branding Yard Trail. It was a category 2 walk with gentle slopes and a nice walking path. It took us about 1.5 hours return and was a 5km trail.

It was a lovely day to be out and about. The walk had lots of trees that provided shade and it was really wonderful.

The walk starts from Turntable carpark and the path goes down to the actual trail.

The starting part - from the carpark

So lush and green!

The trail itself is a loop that goes through a light and airy forest with lots of space between the trees and is very lovely. I really liked it :)


Maxi found a log, which he wanted to try to lift up....and he did so successfully! In fact, he said it was too easy haha.

The great weight lifter in action. I also took a video of him :D
He actually found a second log to lift too, later on, but that one was way too light for him lol. Here he is, standing deep in thought afterwards

A great day out ❤️

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