Finally, I tried an actual yoga class!

Finally, I tried an actual yoga class!

Last week, Saturday 6 April 2013, I tried my very first yoga class at a yoga studio on Newmarket, called NZ School of Yoga.

It was an Iyengar Yoga class for beginners but despite my various attempts I did not manage to convince friends to come along. So, gathering my courage, I decided to go it alone regardless. It was great, having something exciting and new to look forward to at the end of the working week.

The class itself was quite apart from what I expected. Although now I come to think about it, I did not really know what to expect. It was very quiet in the room as I stepped inside. The students were all stretching and waiting for the teacher to begin. I found a place, at the back of course, and began to set up there. Some way into the class however, all new students were asked to come to the front but it really was not that bad - everyone is busy doing the pose and no one looks around.

The poses themselves were quite difficult, as we had to hold them for a number of minutes. But afterwards, I felt great. Uplifted. Tired, but able to move more freely and with a lighter heart. Definitely going back this week, and this time with a proper yoga mat :P

I have a 6 class card so will keep posted about how the classes go!

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