2 min read

Fresh Start and First Beginnings

Last week, I wrote about how I want to record my journey, as I try to re-invent my life into one focused on health, fitness and wholesome living. As mentioned, during the numerous hours spent browsing blogs on the web, I came across a variety of websites where the authors talked about the journey that brought them to where they are today. However, all the posts were written in retrospect - the author has now reached the goal and looks back at how he/she got there then writes about it.

What I wanted was a blog that I could read and follow as the author progressed towards his/her goals - to see the 'real' person, one that makes mistakes, learns and tries to improve. In reading such a blog, we could perhaps feel that we are not alone on our journeys to better ourselves - there are others, who struggle and improve much like us!

This week, I begin my journey. It is a journey of undefined length - my journey through life. Because we should always be trying to improve and live a healthy and more fulfilling life, the journey does not have a specified time period or end date :)

Each week, I will try to write about what I my goal is for the week and my progress towards its. I say 'try' because I don't want to make any empty promises - the truth is that sometimes life throws in some unexpected things, or there are some days when we just cannot write, and we have to put off blogging to the next day :P

So, firstly, I would like to list some things that I want to achieve in my life, in terms of health and fitness. These are the things that I will be working towards. Here goes:

1. Top of the list - Meditation! 

A whole lot of my time is taken up by work. And my work can be very stressful at times. Often, I find myself thinking about various work things even as I cook or talk to others. Other times, I may feel low on energy because our jobs can be mentally and emotionally demanding. I don't want to be on this roller coaster ride through life - I want a smooth ride on the peaceful river of life. To achieve this, my number one goal is to learn to meditate. To better understand ourselves and to better recognise the beauty that surrounds us each and every day of our lives.

2. Exercise, exercise, exercise. 

I want to be fit, fast and healthy. And theres only one way to achieve this - exercise regularly.
3. Yoga 

For flexibility, clarity and general wellbeing.

4. Eating healthy meals 

With less meat, more veges and more fruit!

I know, I know, these are starting to sound a bit generic - but I'll add more as I progress!