Waikowhai Park Auckland

Waikowhai Park Auckland

Fresh green leaves against clear blue skies

A tui singing outside our bedroom window

Late sunsets and early sunrises

Warm breeze blowing

Birds nesting in trees, busy finding food for the chicks

Picnics, wine, walks in the park.

This is Auckland Summer, and what better way to spend it then taking time to enjoy nature at one of the many parks and reserves around Auckland.

Here are some pictures of our little trip to Waikowhai park yesterday. According to the Auckland Council, it is the largest block of native forest left in Auckland city. And it's full of native Tui birds, Pohutukawa trees and New Zealand flax (which the Tuis guard fiercely!)

It's a beautiful park that is untouched and with out many people around. It is very peaceful and relaxing to just lay there and watch the sea, the blue sky and hear the Tuis singing (and crickets).




The flowers of the New Zealand flax plant


Our view for the day


Green and blue - the colours of summer!


Native New Zealand


The beach below


This is his territory!


Mmmmm.... yummy afternoon snack for the Tui



This bench was so high and at an odd angle, but verrrry comfortable!

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