7 min read

Phuket Day 4 - Relaxing

For this morning, we finally had a chance to go outside the resort for breakfast as the weather was clear.

We had a nice stroll by the sea on our way to the little coffee shop we had spotted a couple of days ago. And this time, I could take pictures since it was not raining! PS, we can prepared with an umbrella this time too :)

 ⬆️ Waiting for my food!

⬆️ Yum yum! Tea, blueberry cheesecake, chicken sandwich

The coffee shop was very pretty - all glass and looking out directly to the sea. The area has a few hotels around so the shop may have been especially set up for tourists. Nonetheless, it was pretty :) We arrived really early though, for Thailand time, and the staff just unlocked the door as we came in. The blueberry cheese cake actually tasted like cheese! It was too huge though, I could only eat half of it.

During the time we were there, a lady came in with new cakes and things for the shop and after she had delivered it she spent the rest of the time chatting with the counter staff hahahaha. The Thai go at a much slower pace than back in Auckland - just like Fiji! It must be an island thing, and the heat :) That reminds me, today Max thought it was 'chilly' and 'fresh' - he has acclimatised very quickly and now a day of 27 degrees celcius is cold!

⬆️ ⬇️ Still sleepy 

⬆️ ⬇️ Inside the little cute shop

After we had our little breakfast, we continued our stroll down towards the end of the road. Here are some pictures of our walk:

 ⬆️ Fishing boats

⬆️ The aquarium at the end of the road. 

⬆️ This is the random, un-named, restaurant that I mentioned in my previous post - the one that had a dog inside and that Max wanted to eat at! 

 ⬆️ This is the walkway that I also mentioned in one of the previous posts - it runs along the sea.

On our way back, we saw the biggest centipede (or millipede?) I have ever seen:

For the rest of the day after breakfast, we lay around at our balcony and I read Game of Thrones book 2, while Maxi did some work and then practised his touch typing skills.

Afterwards, we got pretty hungry, especially after our small breakfast, and headed to Curry Night, the Indian restaurant across the road for some lunch. We were the only ones there and when we came in an old grandpa was lounging around on a chair near the back. I have a suspicion the family lives there at the back of the restaurant. I really like the feel of this restaurant - it is large, airy and light, and open. There is a warm breeze blowing past and Indian music playing in the background, with the staff/family members sitting around and talking. Very original.

We ordered a huge lunch - 2 chicken curries, 1 vegetable curry, 1 garlic naan, 1 aloo paratha, 1 bowl of rice, 1 bowl of daal and 2 masala teas. The vegetable curry was the best this time - delicious. The daal was a bit of a surprise, it had coconut milk in it! It was nice too though.

 In the afternoon, we ventured the the lookout place by our room and stayed there for a while. The place leading to it was filled with water so we had to be adventurous and go around it. Later, another couple followed our example hahaha.

The place we found has a great view of the sea and the trees:

 ⬆️ The view

 ⬆️ The pavilion next to us - we are sitting on a similar one.

 ⬆️ The water that had collected around the pavilions, from the overnight rain - we had to navigate around it to reach our destination

 ⬆️ Maxi preparing to demonstrate how we would get back 😄

⬆️ The dangerous part! 

⬆️ The building where our room is

We went on to explore the resort a bit more after our reading session:

⬆️ Its a crab that has a shell that looks like a piece of stone! 

We arrived at the beach, where the tide had gone out and Max drew a beautiful picture of our house on a cloud - complete with a balcony and smoke 😄

 I drew a picture of us walking between 2 coconut trees:

 The locals were not around this evening but we did see the sea bird looking for his dinner:

 Our adventures on the beach this day included climbing Stone Mountain On The Beach:

 And trying to be quite and observe a whole huge colony (or multiple colonies) of mud crabs crawling around and under the sand just out of reach. If we stayed still for a long time and then moved, there would be a flurry of quick movements all around, where the crab dig into the sand!

It also included digging trenches for another centi/millipede we found - here is Max hard at work (although after some time the insect decided to go his own way, away from our nicely dug trenches).

 ⬆️ I tried to get the insect to go over the umbrella but it just kept going around!

 ⬆️ It found the trench!

 ⬆️ Walking along

 ⬆️ Maxi making more lines after each time the centipede decides to go another way hehehe

 ⬆️ At the end, the insect was too smart and avoided all Maxi's trenches.

 ⬆️ In the resort's lobby

 ⬆️ View from the lobby.

⬆️ Maxi found this delicious snack - tamarind that actually tastes like whole tamarinds! Sweet, sour and yummy 😄