Neighbours from around the World
Photo taken from Flickr: here
Taking freshly cooked, home baked, goodies to neighbours. I thought that only happened in movies.
Shanghai: Meeting of Worlds
China is with me every day. I work for a New Zealand law firm leading in the field of helping
Enforcing Overseas Judgment in New Zealand
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are my musings and opinion. They do not constitute legal advice and are not
Honeymoon in Ubud, Bali
We went to Bali on 25 August 2014, returning to Melbourne in the early morning on Tuesday, 2 September 2014
The small wonders in life every day
I've been looking forward to watching the Germany v Ghana soccer game for some days now. Unfortunately, the
Puzzling it out
I am reading "The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean
A delicious tea chai latte
There is a tea house we visit sometimes in Mount Eden, when we have the chance to walk there in
Our Hindu Wedding - Final part
Max is taken to the Mandap by Vishal
Max, patiently waiting for the bride to come :D
Bride is on
Our Hindu Wedding: The Big Day Part 2
In the Hindu wedding, the groom and his guests arrive at the bride's house (or the hall) for