Freshly Baked Bread: Crusty B.

Freshly Baked Bread: Crusty B.


1 cup all purpose flour 3 cups wholemeal flour (also works with wholegrain flour) 1/2 tsp salt 11 g dry yeast 2 tsp maple syrup 2 cups warm water (not hot!)


  1. Sift flour in a large bowl and mix together with salt and yeast.
  2. In a small bowl dissolve the maple syrup in warm water and add into the large bowl
  3. Mix well and place in a greased bowl.
  4. Cover with cloth and leave in refrigerator overnight 
  5. In the morning take out the dough and roughly knead it 
  6. Preheat oven to 200 C and place your Dutch oven in there. (If you don't have one just skip this step and put the dough in to a bread tin instead).
  7. Once heated, grease the Dutch oven and transfer the dough into it. Cover with lid and bake for about 50 minutes

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