Our Hindu Wedding - Day One

Our Hindu Wedding - Day One

Two days before the actual wedding day, Max and I could not see each other any more until the wedding day.

On 6 February 2014, we had a ceremony called Telwan. It involved a small prayer done in my room and afterwards the guests and older ladies went outside to continue praying and singing. They sat around in a circle, with an Indian drum (tabla) and sang hymns while one person played the tabla. As the bride, I was not allowed to step out of the house once the first pooja was completed but I could nicely stand by the doorstep and watch the going-ons.

After the singing and tabla playing, the gang went around the house to the front yard and did some more rituals. I peeked from the upstairs window to see some dancing and singing too.

Dad and family friend preparing for the evening ceremony


This looks suspiciously like they are preparing to make kava! Of course, I was upstairs, unaware of all this!!

This was the place where I sat most of the time - it's in the bedroom upstairs, which my Mum decorated with nice fabric :)





Happy parents
Mum and me going downstairs after the first pooja. The ladies will now go outside to do more ceremonial prayers.


My beautiful friend and super helpful-to-go-girl Deepi :) Thanks for all your help Deepi!


My sister :) :)



My lovely friends, thanks guys for coming to Melbourne to attend the wedding!!

This is the prayer being done outside by the ladies (and the priest), with the tabla and singing:




I was peeking from the doorstep:


And while no-one was looking, this is what the bride was up to:




Off they went around the house with the tabla and singing along...



This is the front of the house where my mother (in the right side of the photo) had to dig a hole and light a lamp for praying.


Here she is setting up for the prayers




I was spying from the top bedroom window....and was soon told that good Indian brides don't do that hahaha


This is the view that Deepi and I had from the top bedroom of all the happenings outside.

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