Super Weekday Breakfast

Super Weekday Breakfast

Every morning, from Monday to Friday, we have this breakfast to start our day. Often times, it is too much of an effort to make a hot meal during the weekdays for breakfast. And after trying many sorts of muesli, I have to say, a bowl of muesli in milk just doesn't do it for me. It does not start my day well and it certainly doesn't give me something to look forward to in the morning. 

While scouring the internet for better breakfast alternatives, I came across bircher muesli. Muesli soaked overnight with yoghurt? Sounded like it was worth a try (okay, I admit it, I love trying out new foods and ways of preparing food). 

After many experiments with bircher muesli and its variations, I came up with the following recipe. Max and I both like it very much and we have been having it ever since - it is light, fresh, healthy and keeps us going until lunch time. And no cooking is needed for this recipe :)

Hope you'll give it a go and experiment with it to find your own super weekday breakfast!

Ingredients - serves 2

1 glass of oats (you can also use any other kind of muesli or mix you like, I have tried with many different kinds of oats and muesli but these are my favourite)

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